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About Me


If you clicked on this section because you were genuinely interested to know more about me, thank you! I hope I don't disappoint. ^^

As the tagline states, I am indeed an Aries - meaning I was born to be emotional - as well as a self-proclaimed artist. I like to be able to hold my work, so for me, this means sculpting, cosplay, doll making (re-paintings and the occasional stuffed animal), and music box making. In 2014, I had custom jewelry on display at the Montclair Art Museum, and as recently as 2020, a music box sculpture I made was kept in the Music Box Theatre on Broadway.

I wrote my first real "story" when I was in the third grade. Something about my friends and I turning into animals (some things never change, eh?) and ending up in places we shouldn't have been.

Since then, writing's just sort of stuck. There hasn't really been a time in my life where I haven't been writing or didn't have an idea for a story. Roleplaying for years through fandoms has certainly helped keep the creative juices flowing.

It's funny to think about how the topics I've wanted to write about have varied, though. Far from animal adventures, at first, I thought my debut novel would be a political, historical romance, then a paranormal, dark-romcom...

Somehow, the animal theme came back, and I believe that's called "full circle".

Other themes you might come to expect in my future works: men loving men and characters coping with mental illness.

I am not ashamed to say is that I, myself, am a bisexual man living with depression. Writing characters with similar experiences has been quite the healing journey for me, and my only hope is that others will be able to relate to them as well and feel seen.


Lastly, I am a Khemetic-Pagan, my favorite movie is Lady and the Tramp, and I once took a few semesters at a mortuary school essentially because of a joke that went too far.


If you've made it to the end, hopefully none of that makes you regret it!


Thank you for taking the time to look through, and happy future reading!


-Winter Pior

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